Monday, February 27, 2012

Big Changes Ahead

And by "Big" I really mean HUGE.

Let me catch you up on life for us the past 2 months....

Jordan was informed he is being transferred to the Ernst and Young office in Kansas City. Can I get a Hallelujah? Don't get me wrong, Jordan and I have made a great life for ourselves down here in Oklahoma. But let's be honest....a girl needs her mom. Especially when that said girl has a baby on the way. When I read that positive pregnancy test on December 3rd, I looked at Jordan and simply said, "get me back to Kansas!" Oklahoma is great, and we have made a few very strong friends, but no where near the support system it would take to raise a baby when your husband is a CPA.

So while, yes, I am pregnant...a complete lack of symptoms traditionally linked to pregnancy, make it surreal to me. That, and the anxieties of moving, buying a house, and job searching, have all led to my pregnancy taking a back seat to changes happening now.

First on the list of things to do, buy a house. Jordan was smack dab in the middle of busy season and working 80 hour weeks, so I was left to my own devices...fine by me! This process required me to drive back to Kansas City 4 weekends in a row to meet with a realtor and view potential abodes for us.  And we finally found one! Located a convenient 3/4 mile from my mother's house, I will have babysitters available at the snap of my fingers! The downside to our house...the entire interior is painted a flesh color pink. Totally disgusting!

Next on the list, find a job! Now, Jordan had no stress when it came to this. He was good to go. Not me. Much to my surprise, I got two job interviews right out of the gate! Unfortunately, neither offered a schedule I wanted as a mom to be. However, I lucked out and a hospital offered me a PRN position with potential to go part time after maternity leave. Needless to say I snatched that job up and am now counting down the 7 weeks I have left with a full time job. BOOYAH.

So now that my major stressors are out of the way and Jordan's busy season is coming to a close, I am able to enjoy my pregnancy so much more! It is becoming more and more real to me. Especially since I graduated into maternity pants today and am feeling like a fat sack of fat. Although, I must say, the comfort factor is enough to keep me in these for the rest of my life.

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